America Elects a New President (Brent A. Jones)

America Elects a New President (Brent A. Jones)
America Elects a New President (Brent A. Jones)

America Elects a New President (Brent A. Jones)


I wasn’t planning on writing on this topic, but this is dominating my thoughts today. I have been watching election news on the Internet all morning and am filled with emotion and pride. This is without doubt the biggest election in my lifetime and most news agencies are now predicting that Barack Obama will become the new President of the United States. As I write these sentences, Senator McCain has conceded his loss and congratulated his rival by phone. Obama’s has just delivered a victory speech at his election headquarters.

I’m not sure how much our readers here are interested in this topic, but I strongly believe that the results of this election will have a great impact on events around the world. People around the world pay close attention to what happens in the US and there is often good reason to criticize the government policies and actions there and abroad. This election however proves that the people in my country can make their voices heard and can bring change when it is needed. Hopefully, the results of this election will also help restore or strengthen a positive image of America in other parts of the world where this image has been damaged in recent years.

Here are a few of my hopes for our new President.
I hope he . . .
– can find knowledgeable and wise advisors to help with the various challenges he will face.
– has the good sense to listen to these people and follow their advice.
– follows through on his campaign promises.
– works hard to fix the domestic problems in the US.
– establishes good relationships with other world leaders to work on solving world problems.
– works for peace around the world, especially in war-torn areas.
– makes a serious effort to reduce America’s negative impact on the environment.

I realize this is a big request, but we need to make progress in these and other areas for a bright future. At least for today, the future does indeed look bright.

Sorry for again writing on a heavy topic. I will try to lighten things up next time around.

Hoping for change,

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